Magazines vs. Advertisments

I do not know why I was so infuriated today when I saw that Guns and Ammo magazine awarded the Ruger American as their "Rifle of the Year". Give it an award for value or budget, but THE Rifle of way! There are so many people in this industry who are innovating and put so much blood, sweat, and tears into their products that it is a huge disservice to elect a sub par solely budget minded rifle to this position. They are obviously catering to their sponsors, and misleading their readers. In rebuttal I would like to present my rifle of the year for 2014 it is a tie between....the American Rifle Company M2 and the Desert Tech (DTA) MDR

Seriously, take a look at those two guns, how can you not?! These rifles possess an insane fusion of hard-work, innovation, and sexiness. I openly support brands that strive for perfection. Ted the mad scientist of American Rifle Company, started from the ground up to create the action for the M2, and he has implemented a book full of new technologies into his work, just read his patents. The MDR is such an awesome concept (as their other products are)! The system will provide the most compact, diverse, and accurate package on the market today! Not giving companies like this the praise that they deserve is a huge disservice to the shooting community and those companies/products/people who make it innovative and exciting. Shame on you Guns and Ammo!


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